Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Scalloped Bacon And Eggs

Scalloped Bacon And Eggs  

 1/2 cup chopped onion
 2 tbsp. butter
 2 tbsp. flour
 1-1/2 cup milk
 1 cup shredded sharp cheese
 6 hard cooked eggs, halved the long way
 1 1/2 cup potato chips, crumbled
 10 to 12 slices crisp bacon, crumbled 


 1. Cook onion in butter; blend in flour. Add milk and stir 
until thickened. Add cheese; stir until melted. In a 10 x 6 x 1 1/2 inch 
baking dish, make a single layer of eggs.

 2. Cover with cheese sauce, potato chips, and bacon in that 
order. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 35 minutes. 

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