Saturday, March 26, 2016

Southern Okra Fritters

Southern Okra Fritters


½ cup all-purpose flour  
½ cup self-rising cornmeal  
½ teaspoon salt  
½ teaspoon black pepper  
1 teaspoon garlic powder  
1 pound okra, coarsely chopped  
½ onion, finely diced  
1 large egg  
½ cup buttermilk  
1/3 cup vegetable oil


1. In a large bowl combine the flour, cornmeal, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. 
Add the chopped okra and onion.  

2. In a small bowl lightly beat the egg into the buttermilk, and then add it to the okra mixture. 
Stir until just combined.

3. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Drop the okra batter into the oil by heaping tablespoonsful. 
Cook 4 to 6 minutes, then flip the fritters and press them flat with the back of a spatula. 
Cook 4 to 5 more minutes or until crispy and golden brown.

4. Cook in batches, adding more oil if necessary; then drain on paper towels, and serve hot.

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