Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Rice Pudding

 Rice Pudding 

3/4 cup White rice, Uncooked 
2 cups Milk, divided  
1/3 cup White sugar  
1/4 tsp. Salt  
1 Egg, beaten 
2/3 cup Golden raisins  
1 tbs. Butter 
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract                    


1. Take a saucepan and add water (1 1/2 cups) into it. 
Put it for boil; then add rice into the water. Reduce the 
heat to low and cover the saucepan. Let it simmer for about 
15-20 minutes. Take out the cooked rice put into separate container.

2. Now clean the saucepan, and add in prepared rice, sugar, 
milk (1 1/2 cups), and salt . Then cook the mixture over medium 
heat till it becomes creamy and thick. It takes about 20 minutes or so.

3. Now add in remaining milk, raisin, and beaten eggs. 
Let it cook for another 2 minutes, in between stir constantly. 
Remove the saucepan from the heat. Mix in vanilla and butter. 
Serve while it’s hot!  

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